Rohit brushed quickly past an elderly woman waiting on the platform ahead of him to get onto the metro. He wanted to be sure to get a seat to read his Economic Times. As the train rolled out of the station, he lifted his head from the newspaper and stared at the man directly across from him. A tsunami - of antipathy came over him. Rohit knew this man, knew him all too well. Their eyes locked.

           As the train reached full speed, the ruckus of speeding wheels against the winding
rails and a wildly gyrating subway car filled Rohit's ears. To this frenetic beat, Rohit
effortlessly listed in his head all the reasons this man, whose eyes he stared coldly
into, was an anathema to him.
              He had climbed the upper echelons of his firm using an imperious manner with his subordinates, always making sure everyone knew he was the boss. Despite his impoverished upbringing, he had become ostentatious. Flush with cash from the lucrative deals he had made, he had purchased a yacht and a home in Mumbai. He used neither. But, oh, how he liked to say he had them. Meanwhile, Rohit knew, this man's parents were on the verge of being evicted from their rundown tenement apartment in Allahabad.

            What bothered Rohit most about this man was that he never even attempted to make amends for his evil ways. Could this man change? Rohit did not know. He could try though. The train screeched to Rohit's stop. He gave the man one last hard look. "See you around," he mumbled to himself. And he knew he would, because Rohit had been glaring at his own reflection in the glass in the metro. It would take years of hardwork and therapy, but Rohit would one day notice this man again on the train and marvel at what a kinder person he had become.

1) Why did a tsunami of antipathy come over Rohit?
a) Because he was angry at himself and unable to stand looking at himself
b) Because the man sitting across him was his former boss who treated him badly
c) Because he wanted to read his newspaper and not be disturbed, especially by             someone he disliked          
d) Because the guy sitting across him was financially better off than Rohit

2)What does it mean to have an imperious manner with underlings?

a.To ignore them
b.To be stoic around them
c.To openly humiliate them
d.To not be affected by them
e.To be domineering towards them

3)Which statement makes most sense from what is said in the paragraph?
a) Rohit has few friends               b) Rohit knows himself well
c) Rohit has had a difficult life    d) Rohit is incapable of change 

4) What was the biggest reason (stated or implied) for Rohit disliking the man in the metro?
a) The man was known to be extremely rude and domineering especially with his subordinates
b) The man was remorseless and had not made any effort to reform himself for the better
c) The man did not bother to take care of his parents who were on the verge of being evicted from their humble dwelling                                
d) The man did not have respect for things or money and while people did not have a place to stay, he had bought a flat which he did not even use

5) What does it mean to have an imperious manner with underlings?
a)To ignore them                                       
b)To be stoic around them
c)To openly humiliate them                    
d)To not be affected by them 
e)To be domineering towards them


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